terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2013

Long ass word of the day #3

Gluconeogenesis: Production of glucose from non-carbohydrates.

Grammaticaster: A piddling grammarian.

Haematogenesis: Production of blood.

Haussmannize: To open out or to rebuild.

Honorificabilitudinity: Honorableness.

Hydrometeorology: The study of atmospheric moisture.

Iatromathematics: Archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology.

Ichthyophagous: Fish-eating.

Immunopathology: A study of immunity to disease.

Interramification: Interweaving of branches.

Incomprehensibleness: Impossible to know or fathom.

Juglandaceous:Liking or pertaining to walnuts.

Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese.

Japanophilia: Love or admiration for Japan or the Japanese.

Kakorrhaphiophobia: Having fear of failure.

Katathermometer: Instrument for measuring the cooling power of air.

Kosmikophobia: Having fear of cosmic phenomenon.

Keraunophobia (or Ceraunophobia): Fear of lighting and thunder.

Logizomechanophobia: Having fear of computers.

Libanotophorous: Producing incense.

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