terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2013

Long ass word of the day #2

Cacodemomania: It is a pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit.

Catapedamania: Having an obsession with jumping from high places.

Cheiloproclitic: One who is attracted to lips.

Chronosynchronicity: Presenting a persons life in all the stages through a single piece of art.

Dendrochronology: The study of tree rings.

Deorsumversion: Turning downwards.

Dermatoglyphics: It is the study of fingerprints and skin patterns.

Dolichocephalic: Long-headed.

Dysmorphophobia: Having fear of physical deformities.

Ellogofusciouhipoppokunurious: Good.

Electroencephalograph: An instrument for measuring the brain's electrical impulses.

Epiphenomenalism: Doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain activity.

Electrodynamometer: An instrument for measuring electrical current.

Electroencephalogram: A graphical record of electrical activity of the brain.

Floccinaucinihilipilification: Setting at little or no value.

Fantasticalness: The quality of being fantastic.

Flagelliferous: Bearing a whip or flagellum.

Fibriophobia: Having fear of fever.

Gynotikolobomassophile: One nibbling on women's earlobes.

Germanophilia: The love or fondness for Germany or for the Germans.

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