Kephalonomancy: Divination using a baked ass's head.
Arachibutyrophobia: One having fear about peanut butter sticking to the mouth roof.
Automatonophobia: One having fear about dummies, animatronic creature, statues of wax.
Podobromhydrosis: Smelly feet.
Spectroheliokinematograph: Camera for taking pictures of the sun.
Caesaropapism: A secular ruler having control of the church.
Frumentaceous: Resembling wheat or other grain.
Graminivorous: Feeding on grass or cereals.
Helioseismology: A study of sun's interior by observing its surface oscillations.
Juglandaceous: Liking or pertaining to walnuts.
Sacramentarianism: Belief that sacraments have unusual properties.
Whereinsoever: In whatsoever respect or place.
Ablutophobia: Fear of washing or having a bath.
Autotonsorialist: A person who cuts his own hair.
Automysophobia: A person who has a fear of getting dirty.
Batrachophagous: A person who eats frogs.
Ballistocardiograph: An instrument which is used to detect body. movememnts caused by heartbeats.
Blandiloquence: A flattery or complimentary speech.
Brachydactylous: Having short and blunt fingers.
Bathythermograph: An instrument that is used for recording water temperature as compared to depth.
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