segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2013

Frases "A él no le gustas tanto" #1

¿Por qué no enfrentamos las cosas? ¿Será porque tenemos miedo? Y es muy dificil decir la palabra obvia que todos quieren evitar... A él no le gustas tanto

Pero a veces nos concentramos tanto en esperar nuestro final feliz que no aprendemos a interpretar las señales ¿Cómo distinguir de aquellos a los que les gustamos de aquellos a los que no? ¿de aquellos que se quedaran de aquellos que se irán?

Una chica jamás olvidará el primer chico que le gusta.

Si no te llama, es porque no quiere llamarte.

Probablemente murió su abuelita, perdió mi número o está afuera de la ciudad. - O probablemente no le interesas.

Estamos programadas para pensar que si el chico actúa como un verdadero imbécil significa que quiere algo con nosotras

¿Qué pasa si conoces al amor de tu vida? ¿Debes dejarlo pasar?

Me dejó un correo de voz en el trabajo, lo llamé a casa, me mandó un mail al Blackberry y le contesté por SMS a su celular, y ahora tengo que revisar todas las redes para sentirme rechazada en 7 tecnologías distintas. Es cansado!

Si te trata como si no le importaras, es porque no le importas.

Puedes ser la mejor amiga que haya tenido.

Una excusa es un rechazo amable, un hombre no le tiene miedo a "arruinar una amistad"

Si lo puedes encontrar, el tambien puede buscarte, y si quiere, lo hará.

Y tal vez este final feliz no incluya un chico maravilloso; tal vez seas tu, sola. Rearmando las piezas y comenzando de nuevo liberándote a ti misma para algo mejor en el futuro.

O tal vez el final feliz es este: saber que después de esperar esas llamadas y los corazones rotos, de todas las equivocaciones y las señales mal interpretadas, de todo el dolor y la vergüenza, uno nunca, jamás debe perder la esperanza.

De cualquier modo, es tan estúpido que una chica tenga que esperar una llamada, no?

si te dice que por lo pronto solo te quiere como amiga

si te deja por irse con sus amigos

Definitivamente, no llamará.
Feliz Páscoa 2019
Feliz dia das Mães 2020
Happy 4th of Jully 2019
Happy Mothers Day 2019

Frases guarras #3

La que quiera azul celeste que se acueste.

Tu con tantas herramientas y yo chambeando a mano

-Me trago tu caca pero sin cebolla para que no me huela la boca

-Vamos hacer barbacoa, tú pones el hoyo y yo el animal.

Ninguna mujer es fea viéndola por donde mea

La vergüenza y la doncellez se pierden solo una vez.

Más vale prevenir que la mentársela

te pongo una naranjita en tu boquita..... hasta que salga bonafina

solo fuiste un pedo en mi cagada vida

Te la beso hincad@ para que veas que soy creyente.

-Mamacita quisiera ser pedo para hacer temblar esas nalgas.

Cuando te eches un pedo no hagas tanto polvo porque estornudo.

Más vale pajaro en mano que siento mucho lo ocurrido.

ya no menees tanto la cuna ..que vas a despertar al niño!!!!

Si nos queremos y nos amamos por que no nos damos por donde miamos?

no importa ni lo duro ni lo grueso, sino lo que dure tieso.

Frases guarras #2

Dame el nombre de tu ginecólogo para ir a chuparle los dedos.

Si tu trasero fuese pan te aseguro que no habría hambre en el mundo.

Si se juntan los mares con los ríos porque no juntas tus pelos con los míos.

En esa cola si me formo

Quisiera ser tu calzón para morir a pedos.

-Que bonitas piernas… a que hora abren?

si tienes una duda metida, no te preocupes yo te la saco.

quisiera ser mariachi... para tocarte la cucaracha!!!!

Tanto caldo y yo sin cuchara.

-Wera si me muero quien te encuera y te mete la manguera por esa coladera.

-En esa cola si me formo.

-Adiós conchita de mar, ojitos de primavera si no me lo quieres dar, enséñamelo siquiera.

Quien fuera aguacatito con crema para embarrarme en tus teleras

Donde pongo el ojo, pongo la vara

-Quisiera ser banqueta para verte los calzones.

Quisiera ser pirata, no por el oro y por la plata sino por el tesoro que tienes entre las patas.

-Con esa torta y una fanta hasta mi pajarito canta.

Adiós corazón de arroz con leche, yo te doy todo mi arroz si me sacas toda la leche

En esa cola no me formo, me meto!

Tus ojos son dos uvas Tus mejillas dos manzanas. Que linda ensalada de frutas haríamos con mi banana

Frases guarras #1

Te gustan las matemáticas? Pues suma una copa, resta la ropa divide las piernas y como resultado podremos multiplicarnos JAJAJA XD Darkcros666

-Oye me das tu hora …es que se me paro cuando te vi.

Un día leí que fumar era malo y deje de fumar Un día leí que beber era malo y deje de beber Un día leí que follar era malo y deje de leer

-No importa que me digan comal… yo a esa gordita si la caliento

Quisiera ser Heidi para pasear por tus praderas.

Chaparrita cuerpo de elote… cuanto quieres por ese culote

-Si tus pelos fueran lija, ya tendría la lengua chata.

Juguemos a la basurita… tu te tiras al suelo y yo te recojo.

Chaparrit@ cuerpo de uva… ¿Cuánto me cobras porque me suba?

Barriga llena, corazon ¿Qué hacemos?

No me quiero hacer viejo, mejor ven y jalame el pellejo.

Me dejaste como brazo de albañil… duro y venoso.

yo no te pido la vida, nomas te pido del ombligo pa abajo y delas rodillaz pa arriba.

No importa lo grueso, sino lo travieso

Me dejaste como albañil… con la mezcla en la punta de la cuchara

Quisiera ser aguacate para embarrarme en tu torta.

-Quisiera ser fríjol para embarrarme en tu tlacoyo.

Con tu levadura, si me esponjo mamacita.

Al que obra mal se le pudre el culo

-Nunca digas no aunque te llenes de hijos.

Citation De Booba #6

"T'as Travaillé Pour S'Bled Ta Vie Entière, Tu As Cru Bien Faire, Donne Moi La Main d'ta Fille Vieu Con J'vais Vous Sortir de La Misère" Salade Tomates Oignons

"Gros Numéro 10 , Avant Qu'iblis de Me Choisissent Prit Pour que les Rivières Du Stix se refroidissent" Salade Tomates Oignons

"Poudre a Canon Dans Les Poumons J'Crache Les Mc Petent Les Boulons" Salade Tomates Oignons

"Le Gout de la Ville T'enleve Gout de la Vie" Illégal

"10 Milles Euro Pour T'Faire Fummer Etrange Devise, Jveux le Beurre L'argent Du Beurre Pour Tartiner Mes Tranches de Vie" Izi Monaie

Citation De Booba #5

"Un Vrai Duc, Un Vrai Baron, Violent depuis Les Couilles Du Daron" Salade Tomates Oignons

"Des Chiffres Et des Chiffres, Fuck Les Lettres et Patrice Laffont" Illégal

"La Planete Terre Est une Triste Demeur, J'ai Le 06 a Lucifer : Plus je Vie Plus Je Meurs" B2oba (Qui remet ca)

"De la crèche au placard, j'ai trop roulé ma bille, J'te baise bâtard, viens nous sucer la bite" Bâtiment C

"J'Suis V'Nu Marquer Mon Temps Malgré Mon Teint, Ni Bluff, Ni Simagrées, C'Est Bien Des Noirs Et Des Maghrébins" Repose en Paix

"Meilleur En Stresse Car Enfant Menoté a Tous Les Coups, Maitresse ne me Noter Car Absent a Tous les Cours" La Vie En Rouge

"Pendant Que Sa Chauffe Dans Le 78 Ou A Grigny, Jmet la Capote Sur ma Bite Et Sur Ma Lamborginie" Ne Me Parles pas De Rue

"Jsuis Sur Le Périf', A Donf' Entre Deux Flashs, Préservatif Sur le Penis, Jme Glisse Entre Deux Tasse" Ne Me PArles Pas De Rue

"Featuring Coup D'Cross De Hockey , On Leurs Met Facon Double Poney , ROuleau D'500 Dans La Pocket Concentré Sur Ma Monaie, Rajoute Du Poulet Dans Mon Buxket, La Dalle On Connai , Une Pour Hibou Amar On Va Tout Cramé Comme A Aulnay" Ne Me Parles Pas De Rue

"Continue L'Rap Tu Fini chardClo, Sa Crain ! T'as le Flow a Rafarin Tu Mitonne Comme Sarko" On Sait L'Faire

"Tentative de Meurtre Sur Mon Casier Donc Evite" Mix-Tape Evolution

"Enchanté: Gentleman Du Ghetto B2o , tu Donnes Sa Comme un Bonobo Parais qu'T'es Trop nneBo, Soit Ma Meuf Et Ma Maitresse, Moi Jsuis un Mek Du 92 Jsuis pas La que Pour tes ssesFe Mais Presque..." Me and You Remix

"Tu Veux Détronner Le Duc, Tu Vas t'La Prendre Dans l'Uc', Département Reconnu pour le Trafique de Stup', Tu VEux de la Qualité? Goutter la Réalité? Haut de Seine .... Ton Son passe Pas En Boite Le Mien Dé-DéBoite, Reste a L'écoute ton Son Dé-Dégoute Le Mien Dé-Découpe, Jte le Repette au Cas ou Tu Aurais des Doutes C'est Hauts de Seine, Hauts de Seine" Le Duc

"On Me Menace de Mort Au Téléphone , M'appelle D'un Milenium, Si Jt'attrape tu Seras Cloué au Sol Couvert D'alluminium" R.A.S.

"Nouveau Riche , je N'ai Jamais Eu Honte, J'ai Pleurer De La Fonte, Rendez Vous En Suisse Batard Si Tu Veux me Regler Mon Compte" R.A.S.

"J'Roule un Pet Vas Y Tchao, a Plus, J'ai pas Changer Je Mange des Grecs Dans Des Voitures de Luxe" R.A.S.

"La Vie est Une Chienne J'ai Un Beat Dans L'Faussaire, J'suis International T'es N°1 a Auxerre" Marche ou Creve

"J'Beze En Solo, Jsuis Partout Sauf Dans Les Partouz" Bad Boy

"Violent Comme L'histoire L'a été" Bad BOy

"Ceux qui me Connaissent Savent que ma Place est Dans la Fosse Au Lion" Salade Tomates Oignons

Citation De Booba #4

"Je Réanime Le R.A.P. De Si Faible Battement, Tu Veux gouter la Rue , Suce Mon Pot D'echapement" On Sait L'Faire

"Le Drapeau Du Sénégal Comme Talisman, J'ai Les Couilles Pleines de Liquide de Refroidissement" Hustlin' Remix

"J'Suis un Poète, Les autres Sont Cramés: Moi j'ai La Prose Qui Tue, Ils Maintiennent L'Afrique Affamé Pour Qu'elle se Prostitue" Quoiqu'il Arrive

"Trop de Rappeur Font Du Zele, Moi J'Fait du 'Seille, Impact de Balle Sur les Ailes, Les Negros Font Leurs Beurs Sans qu'on les Aide... CErtaines Se Font-Font Fourrer Sans Qu'on les Aime" Patrimoine Du ghetto

"J'Fait presque 2 Metres, J'aimerai Bien te La Mettre, Chez les Grands tout est Grand Sert les Dents, Pris: Amen" Le Duc

"Un Prof M'a Dit : "Qu'est ce tu Veux Faire Quand Tu S'ras Grand Renoi" " - Rien: Jveux faire de L'Oseille" " Illégal

"J'Croi pas en La Chance, Ni en La Chatte, Ma Tchatch te Met a L'amande, S'qu'on a a Vendre Sent Pas La Lavande" Le Duc

"Aveuglé Par Mes Bijoux, Impréviseble Comme un Coup d'Boul de Zizou, Le Test est Dificille" Le Duc

"Le Milieu Hip Hop Est Ma Salope : Voila Ma Conviction, Ecran Plasma Dans les Chiottes : Voila Ma Condition" R.A.S.

"C'est Bien Du Rap De Sal Nègre, Meme Si je ne Suis Qu'a Demi Black. Aujourd'hui Je Compte Les Blattes et Les Makakes D'en Face qui Jactent Mal , Trop D'Biatch Dans la Maybach, Call Me Back Back, je Capte Mal" R.A.S.

"J'Assure Mes Arrières , J'Protege Mes Interets, Flambe Aujourd'hui Demain T'es Raide, Négro Rien de Ca ne M'interesse" R.A.S.

"Quand Je Parle C'est D'homme a Homme , Quand je joue je Paris Gros, Si T'en Veux J'ai De La Bonne 100% Parigo" R.A.S.

"Jsuis Sur L'avenu En Gros Gamos: Normal, Les Keufs Me Connaissent Ne M'arrettent Plus C'est De la Balle, Je ne Fumerai Pas Sur Ton Joint C'est de la Conne , Au Volant je met la Gomme, Je Frappai Dure Avec Ali Tu te Disai C'est de La Cogne" R.A.S.

"Je Suis Frais Je Sais je Te Retourne Le Compliment : Ton Derriere a Comme un Drole D'air De Mon Continent" Pourvu qu'elles M'aiment

"Notre Amour Est Incensé , C'est juste une Histoire de Cul , C'est Malheureusement Le Cas, je ne Serai Pas Ton Fiancé... Le Coeur Brisé, Le Cul Cassé, Salut Bien Ton Crustassé" Pourvu Qu'elles M'aiment

"Lache Moi Ton Phone-Tel, J'ai plus Le Temps De Parler. Qu'est ce qu'elle Est Bonne Elle, J'ai Ma Suite Au Hilton Chez Paris ... Pourvu Qu'elle Vienne, Peu M'importe Qu'ils Me Haïssent: Pourvu Qu'elles M'aiment" Pourvu Qu'elles M'aiment

"T'as le Cul Cloué a La Cité Et Tu Voudrais Qu'on Partage ?" Marche ou Crève

"Il Faut que les Rappeurs Arretent D'emettre : ils Ont Laissé Des Gouttes De Pisse Sur le Trône Comme Sur Les Toilettes Des Meks" Marche ou Creve

"J'suis Un Sal Négro Car Maman a épousé un Black" Bad Boy

"J'Suis pas Dans L'Bling-Bling Enculé Jsuis Diamentaire" Salade Tomates Oignons

Citation De Booba #3

"J'M'En Tappe De Leurs Allocations , Jsuis Heureux a L'occasion, Je Suis Mon Propre Boss Je Ne Dirai Jamais : "Allo Patron" " R.A.S.

"Je Fait Mal Mais Je Fait Jouir Si Tu Vois C'que J'Veux dire" Pourvu Qu'elles M'aiment

"J'ai Vu Cette Blanche: Gros Cul Ptite Hanche, Je Pense Qu'elle Va Prendre Chère: J'aime Comment elle Se Déhanche" King

"30 Millions D'Mc Dans L'estomac, 1 Roud K.O. Négro T'es Dans le Coma"

"Réflechir Avant D'agir C'est Vrai je Devrai M'y Mettre" Bad Boy

"Medi Med a La Sono , Sert Moi Mon Jack Dans un Seau D'eau , Mc Jt'encule En Chantant Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Sodomi (Sol Do Mi)" Salade Tomates Oignons

"Je Marche Seul Avec Mon Uzi Man, 92 Izi Man" Salade Tomates Oignons

"J'écris ce que Personne Ne Peint" King (Feat Rock City)

"J'Fait Hami Je Touche Le Ciel, Tu Touches Le RMI, J'Fuck La Vie, Je Vie la Nuit, Jfait plus De Bruit Qu'un 2 et D'mi" Garcimore

"J'ai Trimer Pour Etre La Riche Avant L'age Et si J'suis Pas Numéro 1 C'est Qu'il y a Le King Avant L'As" De Larme Et De Sang

"On Est V'nus Cracher Notre Haine Moi Et Ceux Derrière Ma Première Parole s'ra La Dernière" Repose en Paix

"B2o Je M'intitule, Gangster Est L'attitude, Austere quand jprend Le Mic Ta Pute A Tous Mes Posters" Reste en Chien

"On Vient Du Bled Sal Batard, Pas Du Terroirre, Tu Sera Rebeu et BLack Avec un Oeil Au Beurre Noir" Rats Des Villes

"Les Keufs M'ont A L'oeil, J'hésite A Transporter Mon Gun , Donc Jcommande Un Bouteille DE Jack Pour Mieu T'éclater La Gueule" Rats Des Villes

"Au Réveil: 100 Pompes, Un Bol De Céréal, Une Grosse Pipe Est J'pars Au Charbon, J'chausse Mes Air Force Sénégal" Bienvenue Dans le Texas

"Compère Peu Fréquentable , Insolent Comme sonne-Per, Negro Croi pas Qu'on Perd. La Chatte a TOn Pere" Double Poney

"On T'nike Ta Mere et Ta Grand Mere Si elle Est Toujours en Vie" DOuble Poney

"J'obtient Toujours mes Bailles En Temps de Crise De Pénurie, Jsuis REntré Dans ma MAtrice, J'esquive les Balles Comme Kenu Reeves, T'es Nouveau Dans L'Bizz, Jsuis la D'puis que Wu Tang Kill le Biz, Mon Hobbie M'Tapper au Sabre Avec Obe-One Kenobe" Double Poney

"Tant que j'serai Sur La Piste Rapper S'ra Un Metier a Haut Risque , Essaie D'accordé tes Choristes, Aux Chants du Météorite" A3

"Animal Galeux, Jvais Pas Chez l'Docteur Jvais chez l'Véto, J'ai Les Couilles en Or Jpasse Pas Les Detecteurs D'Metaux" A3

Citation De Booba #2

"Jsuis Trop Frais: Jsuis Venu Au Monde Dans Un Coffret" King (Feat Rock City)

"J'ai Pensé A Tout, Même a Secestrer le Pape, Tu Penses A Sortir un Album, Je pense a Arréter le Rap" La Vie en Rouge

"Vouloir Me Fumer, Mes Gueux ce n'est Vraiment Pas Gentil: Calmez Vous J'arrete Bientot Le Rap Je Vous le Garanti" Izi Life

"Les Gens Parlent D'amour Moi Jte Parle de Ce que j'Connai : Les Rues D'Ma Ville Tout c'Que j'Reconnai" Tout c'Qu'on COnnait

"Avant D'Péter un Fusible, Tirer Sur La Police, Appeler Maitre Lebraze Pour Plaider la Folie, Au Micro C'est L'Amazonie, De la 0.9 Pure Sur Mon Pénis Soucis , Les Temps Sont Dure, Négro NOus Aussi" Libération Time Remix

"Tous Les jours je Taffe Dure, Tous les Jours Je Galère, Tous les jours tu t'demande Combien il y a de 0 Sur Mon Salaire" Garcimore

"Négro J'ai Mérrité Tout ce qui m'arrive, Succès ou pas Tu Test T'es Dead Quoi qu'il arrive" Quoiqu'il Arrive

"J'Suis Du Genre a Mourrir Par Balle, A Creuver en Moto, J'Fait Toujours la Différence entre une Pétasse et un Poto" Le Duc

"Toujours Opé Moi et Le Mic C'est Chimique, Les Négros s'Font Déclasser Par Pokora Diam's Ou Sinik, La Honte Néro tu T'Rend Compte Negro , Moi J'me Casse D'Zero a 100 en 4 Seconde Negro" Le Duc

"Tu m'as Vue a La Télé, Mais je N'suis Pas Ton Ami. Tu Ferrais Mieu De Reculer Si tu veux Mon Avis" Garcimore

"On Dit Bonjours A Tout le Monde Chalum, Salam Salut, Tu Fait la 2, Tu Fait la 3, je Fait la Une, Tu Fait le Loup , Le Chien Tu Abboie, Je Fait la Lune, Tu Fais la Rousse, La Blonde Et La Brune, On Connait Pas La Loose Nous On Fait La Tune" Rats Des Villes

"Diamond Girl Je T'aprécie Beaucoup, J'aimerai Te Prendre Dans mes Bras Mais Aussi Tirer Mon Coup, B2o Toi, You, Tu Fait Battre Mon Poue, Je Vais Te Mettre a Mon Doigt Puis Autour De Mon Cou" Diamond Girl

"C'est B2OBA Dernier Flow, Dernier Cru, A Chaud On T'Fait un Deuxieme Trou du Cul" Ne Me Parles Pas De rue

"Le Savoir est Une Arme, Moi J'ai un Flingue j'ai pas Le Bac-Bac" Bienvenue dans le Texas

"Ici Bas il y a Rien A Faire a Part Acheter des Gros Apart, Vas Dire au Chauffeur Que j'pose mon Cul Ou J'VEux comme Rosa Parks'"Double Poney

"Négro Est-ce Moi qui Aime L'oseille Ou lui Qui m'aime ? Il M'en A Fallut, il m'en Faut, Il M'en Faudra, Pour pas Rouler en Skoda, Pas Décevoir Maitre Yoda" A3

"Le Dernier Rappeur que j'ai Vu Avait Moins de Biff Que le Dealer De Ma Rue" On Sait L'Faire

"Ne Me Dit Pas Qui je Suis, Ne Me Juge Pas : Le ciel Le Fait Deja, Tellement D'ennemis Qui me Fuis 92I M'en Laisse Pas Le Choix, Rien a Signalé R.A.S." R.A.S.

"Parait Qu'J'Suis Sur écoute: Sous Coke le Nez qui Coule , J'suis un Yoat Sur La Cote Et je M'en Bat les COuilles" R.A.S.

"J'ai Toute la Vie Devant Moi : La Mort Me Guette au Loin, Ici Bas Egal un Jour de Plus, Egal un Jour de Moins" R.A.S.

Citation De Booba #1

"J'ai tout Vu Plus Rien Ne M'atteint, Et Plus J'Connai Ls Hommes Plus J'aime Mon chien" Soldat

"C'est pas Qu'j'Aime Pas Me Mélanger Mais Disons Simplment Qu'Les Aigles Ne Volent Pas Avec les Pigeons" Rats des Villes

"Déja Dit moi D'ou Tu'm Connai, Parle Moi en Billet Violet, Double Poney, J'Fait d'la Izi Money" Double Poney

"Le Daron N'etait pas La Mais Je lui Pardonne, t'inquiète Je M'occupe Bien De la Daronne , Je suis Brave, J'ai Quelque Valeurs et Des Codes ce qui Fait de Moi Un Homme, L'apetit, La Force D'un Esclave Ce qui Fait de Moi un Ogre" Soldat

"Han L'heure Est Grave : J'met Mes Couilles Sur la Table Comme Sel Et Poivre" Izi Life

"il Suffis D'une Phase Pour Les Réduirent En Purée, Tu ne sais Pas Qui je Suis : Google Moi Enculé" Salade Tomates Oignons

"Numero 10 Dans Ma Team, Sa Frimme : Jte L'affirme" Remo Remix

"La Banlieu S'emmerde Faut Du Shit Pour L'appésé, Toujours La Queue Raide, TOujours pret a Baiser" LIberation Time Remix

"Jregarde Sur Ma Gauche: R.A.S., Sur Ma Droite: Des Chiens D'la Casse Tenu En Laisse: Ils Se Disent "Il a Du Peze Il Faut qu'on lui Enleve" Les Meks Cherchez Vos Buizness Arrétez D'etre En Hass" Rats Des Villes

"Jparle Tout le Temps De Biff Car Ici Bas Rien est Offert" Salade Tomates Oignons

"Les Ennemis de Mes Ennemis ne Sont Pas Mes Amis, Noo, Ouvre ta BOuche Et Pose Ton Front Sur mes Abdominaux" Rats des Villes

"Tu veux Testes, Tu Crois qu'tu Y est Presque : Je Te Blesse Comme Konan Tu n'es Qu'un Dodane Face A L'Evrest" Bienvenue Dans Le Texas

"Passe le Salam Au Rap Francais De la Part D'mes Testicules, J'apercois Des Boules De Sperm' Pendant qu'tu Articules" Hustlin' Remix

"Marche Ou Creve: Gagne Ou Soit Vaincu, Sombre Est L'attitude, Sombre Est L'individu" Marche Ou Creve

"Trop D'Bouffon Dans L'industrie, Donc Je ne me Melange Pas, Apres Minuit : Je Beze Ne M'appelle Pas Ne me Dérange Pas" Reste en Chien

"Tu Me Coupe Le Souffle, J'Suis Frais Tu pense A Moi C'est Pour sa Que Ton Couple Souffre" Diamond Girl

"Maccabre Symphonique Sur la Ville De PAris Faut Qu'elle Crack, J'Regarde pas Les Infos Sans Harry Roselmak" Ne Me Parles Pas De Rue

"Sinon Rien d'Neuf Dans Ma Vie, A Part Que je Pèze , Toujours Pas d'Petite Amie: Que Des Meufs que je Beze" R.A.S.

"Si on Parle de T'arroser: Pris Pour Qu'il ne pleuve Pas" R.A.S.

"Si T'as Pas d'Raison D'Vivre... Trouves Une Raison de Creuver" Couleur Ebène

Les Plus Belles Citations De Films & Séries #3

Toute ma vie est un labyrinthe, je fais toujours des hauts et des bas ! Tiens, le mois dernier je bouffais des nouilles pour m’en sortir et demain des femmes rempliront mes poches avec des diamants ! Aujourd’hui je suis l’idole de tout le monde et demain je serais un moins que rien ! - Non, tu n’as pas besoin de courir le monde après ton destin comme un cheval sauvage ! Dirty Dancing

J’ai peur de sortir de cette chambre et de ne plus jamais ressentir ce que je ressens, je ne peux plus me passer de toi j’te jure. Dirty Dancing.

La solitude est un sentiment ressenti par tellement de gens, qu’il serait égoïste de le ressentir tout seul. Les frères Scott.

Un jour j’ai lu un poème sur une fille dont le petit ami était mort. Elle l’imaginait au ciel entouré d’anges, des anges filles bien sûr, et ça la rendait jalouse. Ellie est partie. Et moi je l’imagine là haut entourée d’anges rebelles en blouson en cuir qui mettent la musique à fond et qui cherchent la bagarre. Mais je ne suis pas jalouse. Elle me manque c’est tout. Les frères Scott

À mon avis, les tragédies ça fait partie de la vie, on va pas baisser les bras parce qu’on est malheureux. Je me suis rendu compte d’une chose, quand on vous brise le cœur, il faut se battre de toutes ses forces et s’accrocher à la vie, parce qu’elle continue quoiqu’il arrive et cette douleur qui vous déchire fait partie de la vie aussi tout comme la peur et le mal être. Toutes ces sensations qui sont là pour nous rappeler que les choses s’arrangeront, ça vaut le coup de continuer à se battre. Les frères Scott

Alors c’est ça être adulte, avoir un compteur qui affiche 210 et ne jamais dépasser le 60 ? Jeux d’enfants.

Hé, ce soir j’te fait des crêpes et après j’te saute. Ensemble c’est tout

Les Plus Belles Citations De Films & Séries #2

Tu crois au coup de foudre ? - Ouais. - Naïve. Jeux d’enfants

J’ai menti, ce n’est pas vrai, notre histoire n’est pas encore terminée. Je ne veux pas, je ne veux pas et c’est humiliant parce que je suis là à supplier. Ton choix est très simple. C’est elle ou moi. Et je suis sûre qu’elle est vraiment super. Mais Derek, je t’aime vraiment. Tu sais, vraiment, vraiment au point de prétendre adorer ton genre de musique, te laisser manger la dernière part de gâteau, tenir une radio à côté de mes oreilles en chantant sous tes fenêtres... Malheureusement ce qui fait que je te déteste fait que je t’aime aussi. Alors prends-moi. Choisis-moi. Aimes moi... Grey’s Anatomy

On essaie de se dire que la réalité vaut mieux que le rêve. On se persuade qu’il vaut mieux ne pas rêver du tout. Les plus solides d’entre nous, les déterminés s’accrochent à leurs rêves. Il arrive aussi qu’on se retrouve en face d’un rêve tout neuf qu’on avait jamais envisagé. Un jour on se réveille, et contre toute attente, l’espoir renaît, et avec un peu de chance on se rend compte, en affrontant les événements, en affrontant la vie, que le véritable rêve, c’est d’être encore capable de rêver. Grey’s Anatomy

Tu dors ? - Officiellement oui. - Les rumeurs disent que tu fais semblant. - Oui j’ai vu ça dans Paris Match. Juste des ragots. - Je vais dormir un peu. Jeux d’enfants

Tu me dis pas au revoir ? - Non, je te baiserai lundi mais je te dis plus au revoir. Ensemble c’est tout

Garde-le ton petit sourire de merde, j’en veux pas. C’est tout ce que tu sais donner, toi... Des petits sourires pour embrouiller les gens... Garde-le va, garde-le. Tu finiras toute seule dans ton donjon avec tes crayons de couleur et ce sera bien fait pour ta gueule. Moi, je sens que je fatigue, là... Le ver de terre amoureux d’une étoile, ça va un moment... Ensemble c’est tout

Attendez chef la parce que j’suis en train d’essayer d’emballer une fille très intelligente et c’est pas facile. Ça prend plus de temps. Ouais. Ouais mais je m’en occuperai. Laisser tomber avec la fille ? Ouais, ouais j’crois qu’vous avez raison. Ensemble c’est tout

Allez Allez ! Remuez-vous ! Si le Bon Dieu vous a donné une paire de nibards, c’est pour les secouer ! Dirty Dancing.

J’ose à peine parler de leur bonheur à voix haute car si la vie se rend compte de ce qu’elle leur a donné j’ai peur qu’elle le leur reprenne, et ça serait dommage car on a tous besoin d’un peu d’espoir pour tenir. Alors levons nos verres à Nathan à Haley, à l’espoir et à leur amour qui ne pourra se ternir. Les frères Scott

Toutes les filles devraient refuser les règles du jeu stupide qu’on nous impose et qu’on s’impose à nous-même. Il ne faut pas être trop grosse, ni trop maigre. Il ne faut pas avoir la peau trop claire, ni trop foncée, il ne faut pas être trop délurée, ni trop coincée, pas être trop intelligente, ni trop bête. Il faut être soi-même mais tu as intérêt à être dans la norme. Les frères Scott

L’acte d’amour le plus parfait est le sacrifice, cacher ses sentiments pour pouvoir être bon ami. Je t’aime et je crois que je t’aime depuis que nos regards se sont croisés mais si ce que tu veux c’est que je te laisse tomber alors je vais le faire. Les frères Scott

Faîtes un vœu et placez-le dans votre cœur. Tout ce dont vous avez envie, tout ce que vous voulez. C’est bon ? Bien. Maintenant croyez que ça peut se réaliser. On ne sait jamais quand un miracle peut arriver, un sourire ou un souhait se réaliser. Mais si vous croyez que ça peut arriver au détour d’une rue et que vous ouvrez votre cœur et votre esprit à cette possibilité, à cette certitude, il se pourrait que vos souhaits se réalisent. Le monde est plein de magie. Il suffit d’y croire. Alors faîtes un vœu. C’est bon ? Bien. Maintenant croyez-y de tout votre cœur. Les frères Scott.

Est ce que vous l’avez dit ? « Je t’aime », est ce que vous l’avez dit ? « Je ne veux jamais vivre sans toi... Tu as changé ma vie... » Est ce que vous l’avez dit ? Faire des projets, se fixer un but et travailler pour cela... Mais de temps à autre, on regarde autour de soi parce que c’est ainsi, on ne sera peut-être plus là demain. Grey’s Anatomy

La vie n’est pas un sport qu’on se contente de regarder. Gagner, perdre, ou faire match nul, la partie est en cours, qu’on le veuille ou non. Alors allez-y, discutez avec l’arbitre, changez les règles, trichez un peu. Faites une pause et soignez vos plaies. Mais jouez. Jouez ! Jouez le jeu. Jouez vite. Jouez librement. Jouez comme si il n’y avait pas de lendemain. D’accord, l’important n’est pas de gagner ou de perdre, l’important c’est la manière de jouer. Vous ne croyez pas ? Grey’s Anatomy.

La perversion c’est une affaire de goût, c’est comme la bouffe chinoise : on aime ou on n’aime pas. N’empêche que quand on est chinois on a pas le choix ! Jeux d’enfants

Les amis c’est comme les lunettes, ça donne l’air intelligent, mais ça se raye facilement et puis, ça fatigue. Heureusement, des fois on tombe sur des lunettes vraiment cool ! Moi, j’ai Sophie. Jeux d’enfants

On a jamais parlé de l’avenir tout les deux. Enfin, je veux dire, de nos deux avenirs. - Nos deux avenirs... Tu vois, moi, spontanément, j’aurais dit NOTRE avenir... Faut croire que le présent devrait me suffire. Jeux d’enfants

T’as envie de me faire chialer ou quoi ? Il va falloir que tu me prennes dans tes bras pour me consoler. - C’est un risque que je veux bien prendre... - T’façon j’en voudrais pas de tes bras. Ensemble c’est tout

Mais j’suis bien avec toi... - Mais moi aussi j’suis bien avec toi... J’suis même très bien, mais j’en ai rien à foutre que tu sois bien avec moi. J’veux qu’tu sois avec moi. Ensemble c’est tout

Jonnhy arrête de courir après ta vie comme un cheval sauvage. Dirty Dancing

Les Plus Belles Citations De Films & Séries #1

J’ai lu quelque part que tous les journaux intimes sont écrits par des jeunes filles comme il faut, les plus délurés ont autre chose à faire. Moi j’ai seulement envie de vivre une vie dont je me souviendrai même sans en laisser une trace écrite. Les frères Scott

Ne pleurez pas votre passé car il s’est enfui à jamais. Ne craignez pas votre avenir car il n’existe pas encore. Vivez votre présent et rendez le magnifique pour vous en souvenir à jamais. Les frères Scott

Le problème, c’est que même si tu m’disais « je t’adore » j’te croirais pas ! Je sais plus quand tu joues et quand tu joues pas. J’suis perdue... Attends deux secondes, j’ai pas fini... Dis-moi qu’tu m’aimes... Dis-moi juste que tu m’aimes. Parce que moi j’oserai jamais te l’dire la première, j’aurais trop peur que tu crois qu’c’est un jeu... Jeux d’enfants

Il me manque. C’est atroce, il me manque tellement. C’est pas par vagues, c’est constant. Tout le temps, sans répits. Grey’s Anatomy

On ne souhaite pas des choses faciles, on souhaite de grande choses, des choses ambitieuses, hors de portée. On fait des vœux parce qu’on a besoin d’aide et qu’on a peur. Et on sait qu’on en demande peut-être un peu trop. On continue à faire des vœux pourtant, parce que, parfois, ils se réalisent. Grey’s Anatomy

Chaque personne qu’on s’autorise à aimer, est quelqu’un qu’on prend le risque de perdre. Grey’s Anatomy.

On baise ensemble, on trinque ensemble, mais on va pas tomber pas amoureux quand même ! Ensemble c’est tout

Le temps file, le temps n’attend personne. Le temps guérit toutes les blessures. Tous autant que nous sommes nous voulons plus de temps. Du temps pour se relever, du temps pour grandir, du temps pour lâcher prise. Du temps. Grey’s Anatomy

Julien... Un mariage c’est quoi au fond ? Des beaux costards, du champ’, il suffit de mettre les petits fours au congélo, de l’alu autour du fois gras... C’est bon ! J’lai déjà fait, vous le ferez la semaine prochaine ! Vous vous aimez c’est l’essentiel, non ? Jeux d’enfants.

Du bonheur à l’état pur, brut, natif, volcanique, quel pied ! C’était mieux que tout, mieux que la drogue, mieux que l’héro, mieux que la dope, coke, crack, fitj, joint, shit, shoot, snif, pét’, ganja, marie-jeanne, cannabis, beuh, péyotl, buvard, acide, LSD, extasy. Mieux que le sexe, mieux que la fellation, soixante-neuf, partouze, masturbation, tantrisme, kama-sutra, brouette thaïlandaise. Mieux que le Nutella au beurre de cacahuète et le milk-shake banane. Mieux que toutes les trilogies de George Lucas, l’intégrale des muppets-show, la fin de 2001. Mieux que le déhanché d’Emma Peel, Marilyn, la schtroumpfette, Lara Croft, Naomi Campbell et le grain de beauté de Cindy Crawford. Mieux que la face B d’Abbey Road, les CD d’Hendrix, qu’le p’tit pas de Neil Armstrong sur la lune. Le Space-Mountain, la ronde du Père-Noël, la fortune de Bill Gates, les transes du Dalaï-Lama, les NDE, la résurrection de Lazare, toutes les piquouzes de testostérone de Schwarzy, le collagène dans les lèvres de Pamela Anderson. Mieux que Woodstock et les rave-party les plus orgasmiques. Mieux que la défonce de Sade, Rimbaud, Morisson et Castaneda. Mieux que la liberté. Mieux que la vie... Jeux d’enfants

À ce moment précis, il y a 6 470 818 671 personnes dans le monde. Certains prennent peur, certains rentrent chez eux, certains racontent des mensonges pour s’en sortir, d’autres font simplement face à la vérité. Certains sont des êtres maléfiques en guerre avec le bien et certains sont bons et luttent contre le mal. Six milliards de personnes, six milliards d’âmes, et parfois, il ne vous en faut qu’une seule... Les frères Scott

Moi, j’ai envie de croire aux contes de fées. Au moins, tout finit bien dans ces histoires là. Les frères Scott

Souviens toi de cette nuit, c’est la promesse de l’infini. C’est une promesse qui vient récompenser le courage de ceux qui ont affrontés seuls tant d’années. C’est la preuve de la confiance entre deux êtres qui est le fondement même de l’amour. C’est un effort de volonté pour oublier et s’affranchir des peines du passé. C’est un serment qui lie deux âmes à l’exclusion de toute autre. C’est le symbole d’un risque assumé et la reconnaissance des défis à venir. Car à deux on est toujours plus fort, comme un équipage soudé pour surmonter les tempêtes du destin. L’amour sera toujours la raison d’être des humains et la force qui guide leur vie. Le plus important ce n’est pas cette cérémonie, elle ne sert qu’à montrer aux yeux du monde des sentiments déjà existants et des promesses déjà sellées au plus profond du cœur des mariés. Les frères Scott

J’étais prêt à tourner la page mais c’est la page qui ne veut pas se tourner. Grey’s Anatomy

Il y aura toujours quelque chose pour détruire nos vies. La seule question est : « qu’est-ce qui va nous tomber dessus en premier ? ». On est toujours au bord du gouffre. Les frères Scott.

Maman maman, tu as oublié ton trésor. - Mon seul trésor, c’est toi ! Jeux d’enfants

Parce que quand on est accro, même si ça fait mal... Parfois ça fait encore plus mal de décrocher. Grey’s Anatomy.

Bouches-toi les oreilles fort fort fort... Tu entends comme je t’aime ? Jeux d’enfants

Je voulais que tu me prouves que tu tenais à moi, je voulais que tu me dises que j’étais la seule fille qui te plaisait et que tu préférais passer le reste de ta vie tout seul, plutôt qu’avec une autre fille que moi ! Je voulais retrouver le Lucas qui m’avait dit une fois à la plage qu’il serait toujours là pour moi... - Comment voulais-tu que je le saches ? - Tu aurais dû le sentir ! Les frères Scott

Frases de la Virgen María #2

“El moribundo que tiene a su favor la intercesión de María, podrá decir la frase del Salmo 22: “Aunque camine por valles oscuros no temeré, porque tú vas conmigo”.- San Alfonso María de Ligorio.

"Dadme un ejercito que rece el Rosario y lograré con el conquistar el mundo". - Pío X.

“El Rosario es repasar los misterios del Hijo con los ojos de la Madre”.- Autor desconocido.

“De las nupcias del Espíritu Santo con la Virgen María, nació la Iglesia”.- San Paciano.

“Si Cristo es el alma de nuestra religión, María es su perfume”.- Palacio Valdez.

El que me sirva, rezando diariamente mi Rosario, recibirá cualquier gracia que me pida.

“El nombre de María es un verdadero refrigerio. Es sin duda, lo que experimentan las almas cuando se ruega por ellas a la Virgen.- Jaques Martini.

“A quien Dios quiere hacer muy santo, lo hace muy devoto de la Virgen María”.-San Luis Monfort.

“Cuando tu Hijo venga a juzgar en justicia toda la tierra, lo verán y llorarán cuantos, creyéndolo, no quisieron confesarte a ti, Madre de Dios; entonces conocerán al fin, de qué tesoro con perverso ánimo se privaron”.-San Germán de Constantinopla.

“No supe lo que era amar a Jesús hasta que puse mi corazón en los pies de María”.- Guillermo Faber.

“Cuando un hermano separado lee el Magníficat y llega al versículo, “…me llamaran bienaventurada todas las generaciones” ¿No se siente el efectivamente separado de estas generaciones?” Francois Mauriac.

“Por mucho que ames a María Santísima. Ella te amará siempre mucho más de lo que la amas tú”.- San Ignacio de Loyola.

“El nombre de María es júbilo en el corazón, miel en la boca y melodía en los oídos”.- San Antonio de Padua.

"Ha sido sanada Eva... Por eso le decimos: "Bendita tú entre las mujeres" (Lc 1,42), la sola que has curado el dolor de Eva, la sola que enjugaste las lágrimas de la atribulada..." Procolo de Constantinopla.

"En la segunda venida de Jesucristo Maria tiene que ser dada a conocer y revelada por el Espiritu Santo para que por ella, Jesucristo sea conocido, amado y servido. San Luis de Monfort.

Frases de la Virgen María #1

Elevemos nuestras súplicas al Salvador, que quiso nacer de María Virgen, y digámosle: que tu santa Madre Señor interceda por nosotros. Amén

“Quien confía en María no se sentirá nunca defraudado”.- San Juan Bosco.

“Mujer eres tan grande y tanto vales que quien desea una gracia y no recurre a ti, quiere que su deseo vuele sin alas”.- Dante Alghieri.

“Que devoto habrá que no te ame María. En la duda eres luz, en la tristeza consuelo y refugio en los peligros”.- Blosio.

“El camino para llegar a Cristo es acercarse a María; los que de Ella huyen no encontrarán la paz”. San Buenaventura.

”A María, nuestra Madre, le demostraremos nuestro amor trabajando por su Hijo Jesús, con Él y para Él”.- Madre Teresa de Calcuta.

“El amor de todas las mujeres juntas comparado con el amor que María nos profesa, es igual que un trocito de hielo comparado con una gigantesca hoguera”.- El cura de Ars.

“La Santísima Virgen no solo corre sino vuela en auxilio de quienes le rezan aunque sea una Avemaría”.-San Juan Vianney.

“Llena de gracia, Bendita entre todas las mujeres”. No le habría hablado así el ángel si María no hubiera sido perfectamente pura y santa”.- San Agustín.

“Si Pedro ha sido proclamado bienaventurado, ¿no llamaremos bienaventurada entre todos a la Virgen que ha dado a luz a Aquel a quién Pedro ha confesado? Si San Pablo es llamado vaso de elección porque ha llevado el nombre de Cristo por toda la tierra, ¿qué vaso es, pues, la Madre de Dios, que lo llevó a su seno?”.- San Basilio.

“María le enseñó a dar los primeros pasos a Quien es El camino”. Autor desconocido.

“María alimentaba a Jesús con su leche virginal, y Jesús alimentaba a María con la gracia celestial”.- San Agustín.

“Jamás será tenido por buen cristiano quién no reza el Rosario”. San Antonio Mª Claret.

“Si Cristo honro a Su madre porque no habría de honrarla yo?”.- Jorge R.

“El Ave María no elimina el Padre Nuestro, sino que nos abre a el”.- Charles Peguy.

“El nombre de María es júbilo en el corazón, miel en la boca y melodía en los oídos”.- San Antonio de Padua.

No hay alabanza digna de ti, virginidad inmaculada y santa, porque en tu seno has llevado al que ni el cielo puede contener

“María es el camino mas seguro, el mas corto y el mas perfecto para ir a Jesús”. San Luis de Monfort.

“Si queremos ser Cristianos debemos ser Marianos, es decir; Debemos reconocer la relación esencial, vital, providencial que une la Señora a Jesús y que nos abre el camino que nos conduce a El”. Pablo VI.

“¡Oh bellísima niña, sumamente amable! ¡Oh hija de Adán y Madre de Dios! ¡Bienaventuradas las entrañas y el vientre de los que saliste! Bienaventurados los brazos que te llevaron, los labios que tuvieron el privilegio de besarte castamente, es decir, únicamente tus padres, para que siempre y en todo guardaras intacta tu virginidad”.- San Juan Damasceno.

quarta-feira, 1 de maio de 2013

Anime and Manga Quotes #10

"I know everyone has their story of pain and sadness, or things that they don't want to bring up. But if you can't be a good friend without telling that then I don't need any friends at all!" - Mion Sonozaki (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)

It's never a crime to exist! -Franky (One Piece)

"Once you fall in love, it takes time to hate them." - Seiichiro Sano (The Law of Ueki)

"If there are 100 types of misfortunes... then I want to become a bartender who can make 100 types of cocktails that can soothe all those misfortunes." -Sasakura Ryuu (Bartender)

Anime and Manga Quotes #9

"I hate perfection. To be perfect is to be unable to improve any further." - Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach)

"You don't lose at love if you fall in love. As long as you feel love you've won." - Hayama Mizuki (Ef - A Tale of Melodies)

"Cool men don't cheat with their partners do they?" - Soul Eater Evans (Soul Eater)

"What's important is going through with your actions once you've decided upon them. Even if you face difficulties, you can't give up." - Ioryogi (Kobato.)

"I do not deny evil nor do I belive that any human is completely free of malice. Everything must be in balance. AS long as evil and good maintain an equilibrium in this world, there is no problem. Perfect balance is the key to everything." - Death the Kid (Soul Eater)

"If you're going to be sad and put on a sad face, something sad will actually happen. But, if you put on a smile, someday that smile will becomereal and your sadness will disappear." - Amamiya Yuuko (Ef - A Tale of Melodies)

"People take steps at their own pace in their hearts. I don't mind taking a long time if it means everyone can be happy in the end." - Nao Yorihime (Yosuga no Sora)

"Strength begins in understanding your own weakness." - Oz Bezariuz (Pandora Hearts)

"Dreams are like the motivation for people to live." - Ayasaki Hayate (Hayate no Gotoku!)

"Feelings are a connection. They surpass time, and find their way back to the people you love." - Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail OVA)

"Memories are precious but I think moving forward is more precious than forgetting the past." - Hasekura Kohei (Fortune Arterial)

"you can recognize a person who's in love. their eyes are fixed upon the person" elizabeth machi (dear my girls!)

‎"If you are the gun, then I am the bullet. I am but a piece of lead on my own. Had I never come to this town, I would have died as a mere piece of lead. But I did come. The gunpowder sits, waiting to explode. The only thing that can light it... is the gun."- Rock (Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail)

Even if there are billows of smoke, we can still see the sky. We can still see the ocean... It ain't like it's hell here! Don't act like you are about to die! -Usopp (One Piece)

“Having regrets for the deceased is pointless. We, soldiers, fight in order to protect them.”- Olivier Armstrong (FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)

"The instant one gives up, that is when it all ends. Keep wishing. Wish strongly! Wish hard! Do not let it matter what kind of being you are! Do not let it matter what pressures others put on you! Continue to wish for that which your heart truly desires!!" -Ashura-ou (TSUBASA RESERVOIR CHRoNiCLE)

“I'd been wondering whether there is meaning to a failed love... Is something that disappeared the same as something that never existed? But now I now there is. The meaning is right here... Because despite the heartbreak, I'm still glad that I fell in love with you.” - Takemoto Yuta (Honey and Clover)

“Even if we were to be enslaved in the galaxy's cycle of rebirth, the feelings that were left behind will open the door! Even if the Infinite Universe were to go against us, our burning blood will cut through fate! We'll break through the heavens and dimensions! We'll show you our path through force! Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann!"- Tengen Toppa: Gurren Lagann

“Because we’re weak… because death is inevitable… Humans try their best to live and end up being stronger.”- Trisha Elric (FullMetal Alchemist)

"When it melts, what does snow become? It becomes ... spring!"- Honda Tohru (Fruits Basket)

Anime and Manga Quotes #8

"If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet you father, kill your father. Free of everything... You are bound by nothing. Live your life as it is given to you."- Genjo Sanzo (Gensoumaden Saiyuki)

"I'm tired of this. It's like, just when I think our goal is within reach, it slips right through our fingers. It's happened time and again. Now, when it’s finally in our grasp, the truth slaps us in the face."- Edward Elric (FullMetal Alchemist)

"Those with dreams that can overturn commonsense are the strongest..." -Ryou Kuroyanagi (Yakitate! Japan)

“It’s possible that your wish won’t be fulfilled. But if you don’t wish for it at all, it DEFINITELY will not be fulfilled.”- Craft Lawrence (Spice and Wolf II)

“Everyone dies at some point; the question is how fast or how slow.”- (Apple)

“When pictures are drawn with feelings, it doesn’t matter if they are mere scribbles or not. They are precious.”- Honda Tohru (Fruits Basket)

“A dropout will beat a genius through hard work.” - Rock Lee (Naruto)

“A flower bud is meaningless until it blooms.”- Yamanaka Ino (Naruto)

"Even if I can't believe in God, I can believe in myself. "- Genjo Sanzo (Gensoumaden Saiyuki)

“Gods don’t save anyone. You are the only one who can save yourself. You can kill yourself if you want. Your death will not change anything. But there are things that you can change if you live on.”- Genjo Sanzo to Hakkai (Gensomaden Saiyuki)

"The present, not the past, is what matters." - Ritsu Tainaka (K-On!)

"It's only natural for a man to protect a girl he likes." - Hiraga Saito (Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo)

"But if you fell like crying. I don't think you have to hold back. You should cry while you still can. When you get bigger, sometimes you can't cry even if you have something you want to cry about." - Tomoya Okazaki (Clannad After Story)

"Problems that cannot be solved do not exist in this world." -- Yuki Nagato (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

"Humans don't see what they don't want to see. No one wants to be put down. That's why people do nothing even when they do know something is happening." - Kohta Hirano (Highschool of the Dead)

"When you speak your mind, your feelings will get across to people." - Shota Kazehaya (Kimi no Todoke)

"There is no need to have to change immediately. You can proceed nice and slowly. Even if it's a walking pace, people can still take that first step. That step towards their future." - Pantherlily (Fairy Tail)

"Fear isn't evil. It only allows us to learn our own weaknesses." - Gildarts (Fairy Tail)

"Life isn't somthing that should be taken from others. I was born like this! I should at least have the right to live and die freely!" - Kon (Bleach)

"People attain strength by living for other people. But if so, then what exactly is correct? What are you supposed to lodge your heart in? By not making 'I did it for someone' as an excuse, it doesn't matter what result the thing they attained might yield, as long as it's a path they have chosen." - Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)

Anime and Manga Quotes #7

“All your hard work will prove worthless... unless you believe in yourself!” -Maito Gai (Naruto)

“To abandon your duty is not courageous. And below the courageous, nothing awaits you.”- Hatake Kakashi (Naruto)

“Those who betray ninja laws are trash. But those who betray their comrades are worse than trash.”- Hatake Kakashi (Naruto)

"At one point in your skill development, you will come to a wall in which you cannot overcome. Everyone does. There is only one way to overcome that wall, and thats with your powers." -Urahara Kisuke (Bleach)

"No matter how powerful you become, never try to shoulder everythingalone. Otherwise, you will undoubtedly fail." - Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)

"It's not about who's right and who's wrong. There are more important things than that. That's why we need things like apologies and forgiveness." - Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)

"Feelings of love are just a temporary lapse in judgement, like a kind of mental illness." -- Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

"If you believe in tomorrow and put yourself out there, you can naturally obtain your strength. That's how you'll be able to smile and live strong." - Master Makarov (Fairy Tail)

"Learn to appreciate your life because unfortunately, it can be taken away from you anytime." - L Lawliet (Death Note)

"Bury the pain of losing your loved ones into the arms of your friend" - Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)

"People grow stronger upon encountering different things." - Ritsu Tainaka (K-On!)

"You never realize how precious something is until you lose it." - Yui Hirasawa (K-On!)

"We believe that God exists and He exists because we exist." - Itsuki Koizumi (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

No matter what happens, don't be sorry you were born. Even though nobody praises us, don't forget to smile in any situation. As long as you're alive there will be better things later And there will be many. -Belmeil (One Piece)

“A flower raised in a greenhouse is still beautiful, even though it knows no adversity. But a flower growing in the field that has braved wind, rain, cold, and heat possesses something more than just beauty.”- Ryuuguu Rena (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei)

“Thinking that you have to hold it in is weird in the first place. If it hurts, it’s okay to say so.”- Araragi Koyomi (Bakemonogatari)

“A true man doesn't die even if he's killed!!!”- Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)

"people learn to hate when they are hurt." - nagato (naruto shippuden)

"Live. For you are the evidence that I lived." -Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII crisis core)

“Fight with your dying will. No one will laugh if they see someone who’s using all their strength and will. That’s a man’s battle.”- Reborn (Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!)

Anime and Manga Quotes #6

“It's not the face that makes someone a monster. It's the choices they make with their life.” –Naruto

"When you can say "I've worked hard" so easily, then you haven't been working hard enough. And that isn't truly working hard. Is it?" - Oz Bezariuz (Pandora Hearts)

“No labyrinth is inescapable.”- Gantz

“I realized why I was lost. It's not because I don't have a map. It's because I don't have a destination.”- Takemoto Yuuta (Honey and Clover)

“When people are protecting something truly precious to them, they truly can become as strong as they must be!.” – Haku (Naruto)

“To know what is right and chose to ignore it is the act of a coward.” – Hatake Kakashi (Naruto)

“Humans are things that don't know the true vlaue of something precious until they lose it. And if somehow, they get that precious thing back, they'll forget its value again.”- Midou Ban (GetBackers)

“Without a purpose to live for, freedom is meaningless.”- Homura (Gensoumaden Saiyuki)

"Don't underestimate us! Whether it be time, space, or alternate realities, they mean nothing to us. We will pierce the path and methods you've chosen! That is who we are, The Dai-Gurren Brigade!”- Simon (Tengen Toppa: Gurren Lagann)

“Is it so bad that two friends can’t agree in every single thing? You two are different, so misunderstandings are a given. But even so, friends are friends, right? ”- Tsubaki (Soul Eater)

"It doesn't matter if you want to be useful to someone, there's no such a thing as a life worth throwing away!"- Naruto

"It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool." -Haruhara Haruko, FLCL.

"Shut up! Quit shouting like you're king of the freaking world! Now I've got some common sense for you. If I wore a tie it wouldn't change who I am. If I wore no piercings it wouldn't mean I'm nice. And if I dyed my hair black it wouldn't stop me from kicking your ASS!"- Black Haru (Fruits Basket)

"As vast as the world around you may be, in actuality, it's a very small place. The limits of your experience, the sphere that's within your reach, ultimately defines the limit of your understanding. The world, as you know it, is not reality. That is a world you have created for yourself."- Yuuko (XXXholic)

"If I were in your shoes and I knew the law was unjust, I would do everything in my power to fight against it."- Kurosaki Ichigo (BLEACH)

“Are you an idiot?! I don’t know what you did wrong. But either way you’ve realized it, didn’t you? That means, at the instant you realized your mistake, you already took one step forward.” – Eliot Nightray (Pandora Hearts)

“There’s no such thing as coincidence. Coincidence is merely an illusion masking fate.” Yuko (XXXHolic)

"There is happiness for those who accept their fate; there is glory for those who resist their fate." – Edel (Princess Tutu)

“When one person’s cursed, two graves are dug.” – Enma Ai (Hell Girl)

“If happiness had a form, what would it look like? It might be something like glass... one doesn’t normally notice it. However, it is actually there. As proof, if you change the angle, the glass will reflect light. It will state its presence and existence more eloquently than any other thing in this world.” – Lelouch vi Britania (Code Geass)

Anime and Manga Quotes #5

"Never forget! Don't believe in you who believes in me, don't believe in me who believes in you, believe in you...who believes in yourself!”- Kamina (Tengen Toppa: Gurren Lagann)

“Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed... but not defeated.” - Sasakura Ryuu (Bartender)

Hate is a place where a man who can't stand sadness goes. -Godo (Berserk)

The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy. (Kodomo no Jikan)

“Maybe... it's impossible to feel exactly the same as someone else. But you can treasure your friends and keep them close in your heart... I think that's what it means to make your hearts as one.” -Inoue Orihime (Bleach)

"The sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's the way the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear." – Kintatsu (Samurai X)

"The law of equivalent exchange is a myth, a contrived order to give sense to a world that has none... It's a cruel and random world, and yet the chaos is all so beautiful"- Dante (Fullmetal Alchemist)

“Anyone can die. Its living that requires courage.”- Himura Kenshin (Samurai X)

"A cherry blossom is a cherry blossom; a plum blossom is a plum blossom. They're different but they're both beautiful...Everything blooms according to its own nature." – (Imadoki)

"Revolving... If fate is a wheel, we are the cogs that drive it. We have no choice but to believe that this wheel is flawless and forge on ahead. The power of the individual cogs and their destinations... And the blade that is brought down upon them."- Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)

"Arrogance destroys the footholds of victory."-Kuchiki Byakuya (Bleach)

"Remember this well. There are two types of fights. As we have put our lives in battle, we must be able to distinguish between the two. The fight to protect life, and the fight to protect the pride." - Ukitake Juushirou (Bleach)

"Is there anyone who entered a competition in order to lose?" - Noda Megumi (Nodame Cantabile)

“Unlike in sports, the game of war has no set time limit and no points are awarded, so how do you determine the winners and the losers? When all your enemies are destroyed?” - Andrew Waltfeld (Gundam SEED)

"When you get anxious about the future, it is better not to think about it. The more you think about it the more anxious you’ll get. Of course it’s important to think about what lies ahead too, but if you only look at what’s sown the road, you'll get tangled by the "laundry" by your feet and fall, won’t you? You see, it’s also important to think about what you can do now and today. If you keep washing things one at a time, you’ll be done before you know it." - Sohma Shigure (Fruits Basket)

"People are like dice, a certain Frenchman said that. You throw yourself in the direction of your own choosing. People are free because they can do that. Everyone's circumstances are different, but no matter how small the choice, at the very least, you can throw yourself. It's not chance or fate. It's the choice you made." - (Black Lagoon)

“Miracles don’t exist in this world. The only things that exist are coincidences, inevitabilities and the actions people take.”- Himura Yuu (ef- A Tale of Memories)

"If I have the power to make a difference, why not put it to good use?"- Kira Yamato (Gundam SEED)

“The wonderful quality of the world is... no matter how bumpy yesterday was, the next day is another good one filled with sunshine.” (The Prince’s Cactus)

“When captured, birds grow wiser. They try to open the cage with their beaks. They don't give up because they want to fly again. Even if you are a bird locked in a cage, if you are smart enough you will be able to open the cage yourself.” – Genma (Naruto)

Anime and Manga Quotes #4

“No matter how much hard work you put in, there’s no guarantee that you’ll become a pro. But no one can become a pro without hard work.”- Sasakura Ryuu (Bartender)

"I want to believe that memories, even sad and painful ones, should not be forgotten forever."- Soma Momiji (Fruits Basket)

“I finally came to understand it. You single-handedly stole my heart away. This feeling is, without a doubt, love! But if it transcends love, it becomes obsession!" - Graham Aker (Gundam 00)

“Don't look back. If there is something you got to do, always look forward.” -Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)

“We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let's not disappear like a firework... and continue to shine... forever.” – Hitsugaya Toushiro (Bleach)

"No matter how unimportant the meeting... how small the outcome... it will always have some later effect on you. It can be the smallest of things. It can be the shortest of moments. It may never be remembered. It may have never been recorded. But in the end... a bond of fate never disappears once tied." -Yuuko, xxxHOLiC

“Revolving, each time it's touched by the light of the sun and moon... The world is always changing into something new."- Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach)

“Maybe I’m just far sighted. The further away something is, the better I can see it. But once it gets close, I lose sight of it. I wonder, is everyone else like that?” – Endo Shouji (Nana)

“Live to the fullest, Ichigo. Live to the fullest, age to the fullest, go bald to the fullest… and die long after I do. And if possible, die with a smile.”-Kurosaki Isshin (BLEACH)

“If. . . If I were the rain. . . that binds together the Earth and the sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle. . . Would I be able to bind two hearts together?”- Inoue Orihime (BLEACH)

"Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you. While gripping the sword I cannot embrace you." – Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach)

“In moving on, you don’t have to forget everything. You can always think about her and still move forward.” (Help!!)

“Real strength is not what you have when fighting only for yourself. When you have something special that you want to protect, only then can you become truly strong.”- Naruto

"If there is no one there to question you, would that mean you could do anything?”- School Days

"We all make mistakes. You just have to accept what happened, and fix what you can." - Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach)

“Miracles don’t happen to people who just wish for them. A helping hand is extended only to people who are trying to cause a miracle to happen.” –Amamiya Yuuko (ef- A Tale of Melodies)

"From the time I was born, till the day I die... The only side I am on is my own." Genjo Sanzo (Gensoumaden Saiyuki)

Nagisa: But everything keeps changing. All the fun and happy things are changing. But even so, are you still able to like this place? Tomoya: Isn't it fine as long as you find it? Isn't it fine as long as you find the next fun and happy moments again? (Clannad)

"Even in the darkest of suffering, a man can sleep. But for the man who inflicts the suffering, his mind cannot rest... ever."- Ishbal chief (FullMetal Alchemist)

"Throw away your logic and kick reason to the curb! Beautifully following the golden road! If there is a wall, we knock it down! If there is no path, I’ll make one with this hand!”- Tengen Toppa: Gurren Lagann

Anime and Manga Quotes #3

"You have something that you can do, something that only you can do. Nobody is forcing you. Think for yourself, and make that decision by yourself. Think about what you have to do now. Think about no longer having any regrets."- Kaji (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

“Even if you lovingly collect every last piece of a shattered cup, pieces are still pieces. Once something breaks, it can never return. But it’s not like there’s only one cup in the world. It’s sad that the cup broke but you can always look for another better one.”- Ryuuguu Reina (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei)

“Don’t live your life making excuses. You are the one who decides how to live your life.”- Mugen (Samurai Champloo)

“People SHOULD be doubted. Many people misunderstand this concept. Doubting people is simply a part of getting to know them. What many people call “trust” is actually giving up on trying to understand others. Rather than “trust”, it is actually APATHY.”- Akiyama (Liar Game)

“Freedom isn’t something that is won through hardships or gained through overreaching. No matter what your job or rank is, it is completely unrelated. Just accept yourself as you are and live as you are supposed to. That... is freedom.”- Monk (Samurai Champloo)

Love is like a mirror that reflects your bad side. Especially when its unrequited, you get envious,jealous,prejudiced and resentful. You have to face all sorts of emotions, but there's no reason to find that shameful. It shows how serious you are. How do you break that mirror? Its not anything hard, just understand the other person, thats all. :)

“Fake tears bring misery to those around you. Fake smiles bring misery to oneself." - CC (Code Geass)

"Someday, my memories of her will fade. Her voice, her actions – I might forget them as well. But even then, I will always remember that I loved her." -Emiya Shirou (Fate Stay Night)

“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It's when... they are forgotten.” - Dr. Hiriluk (One Piece)

"There were a lot of things I wanted to do. I wanted to become a teacher, and an astronaut, and a baker... I wanted to go to a bunch of different donut shops and ask for one of everything! And I wanted to tell the ice-cream man to give me one of everything, too! I wish I could have five different lives! Then I could have been born in five different towns, and eaten five lifetime's worth of food, and had five different careers, and... fallen in love with the same person, five times."- Inoue Orihime (Bleach)

“Life is about the voyage, and not the destination.”- Goddess of Mercy (Gensoumaden Saiyuki)

A lot of things have gone wrong... but it is exactly because of those things that we begin to understand the world. We are small flowers who do not yet have names. Supported by the larger stuns, we finally begin to bud... and dream of the future... dream of the day, under a clear blue sky, when we will blossom.- (Kare Kano/His & Her Circumstances)

“It feels so close to me, yet I can’t reach it even if I hold out my hands. But even if I can’t reach it, there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking at the same sky – if I can remember that, then even if we are far apart, I believe we can still be together.” -Emiya Shirou (Fate Stay Night)

“If it’s possible for one person to be hurt by another, then it’s also possible for that person to be healed by another.”- Sohma Hatori (Fruits Basket)

Sawako: "When did you start liking her? What made you start liking her? What made you realize she was special?" Sanada: "Well... Do those questions need to be answered logically? When I became aware of it, she’d always been special to me." (Kimi ni Todoke)

"Regrets are just a way for the foolish and the guilty to pass the time." - Cho Hakkai (Saiyuki)

"Those who are left behind in a fight or are in the way aren't the ones who lack power. They're the ones who lack resolve."-Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)

"We stand in awe before that which cannot be seen... And we respect, with every fiber, that which cannot be explained."- Kuchiki Rukia (BLEACH)

“I love clichés, I love predictable scripts, I love it when they paste over problems and I love it when they force a happy ending too. What's wrong with working towards that?”- Ryuugamine Mikado (Durarara)

“Things that don't change go extinct.”- Milly Ashford (Code Geass)

Anime and Manga Quotes #2

“In life, nothing good comes out of hurrying.”- Nara Shikamaru (Naruto)

“You only think you understand. People cannot perfectly understand each other. They can't even understand themselves. Understanding a hundred percent of anything is impossible. So, people endeavour to attempt to learn about themselves and others. That's what makes life interesting.” – Kaji (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

“Fate can be changed if you will it.” -Maebara Keiichi (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai)

“Image reflected in a picture is but an illusion. However, even if it’s an illusion, wishing to hold onto it is one of the hollow dreams humans have.”- Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji)

"You know why big brothers are born first? To protect the little ones that come after them."- Kurosaki Ichigo (BLEACH)

"You have two strong pair of legs. You should get up and use them..." - Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

"You believe that the strong exist to kill the weak, to use them as food. But you are mistaken . . . The strong exist, not to feed off of the weak, but to protect them." -Kenshin Himura (Samurai X)

Miracles only happen once? Then what are they the second time? - Ichigo, Bleach

“The only thing you can change about the past is how you feel about it in the present.” –Lockon Stratos (Gundam 00 S2)

“The ones who lose their temper lose the fight even before it begins.” – Colonello (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)

"No matter how gifted, you alone cannot change the world."- L Lawliet (Deathnote)

“Even if there is only one actual truth, you can have two truths from two different perspectives. A method to determine which truth is true doesn’t exist. There is no real method of proving your truth in this world. But believing that you’re wrong for that reason is also wrong.”-Oshino Meme (Bakemonogatari)

"Even if you're not by my side right now, I will leap through space and time and always be by your side. This feeling will never change." -Ryuuji Takasu

"When people constantly show their affection for you, you start taking it for granted. If you don't realize how much they care for you until they're gone, you'll only be left with regret and remorse."- Inoue Orihime (Bleach)

“To know what you are really like, and to acknowledge you’re strength and capabilities, a positive thinking of enjoying yourself, isn't that what true strength is?” – Suoh Tamaki (Ouran High School Host Club)

“Could you please share to us what you’re really feeling? We’re a family. We’re supposed to share what we feel inside when we feel happy or sad. Otherwise, all of us will feel lonely and left out.” – Kurosaki Isshin (BLEACH) T.T

“Pain is not a weakness, its strength. Pain tells a creature its vulnerabilities and tells him not to expose them to attacks.” - Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)

A choice isn't something someone gives you, it's something you make for yourself. -Papillon (Buso Renkin)

"Even when our eyes are closed, there's a whole world that exists outside ourselves and our dreams." –(FullMetal Alchemist)

"You can never move forward if you keep your head in the past!"- Edward Elric (FullMetal Alchemist)

Anime and Manga Quotes #1

“A lesson without pain is meaningless. That’s because no one can gain without sacrificing something. By enduring the pain and overcoming it, he shall gain a powerful and unmatched heart.”- Edward Elric (FMA: Brotherhood)

I once gave up 'ANIME; and it was the most terrifying day of my life.

“Risking your life and doing something that could rob you of your life are exact opposites.” -L. lawliet (death note)

“Illusions... or real illusions... Hidden in an illusion is the real illusion. From one illusion will sprout another illusion. Hidden in truths lie lies, beneath the lies hides the truth.”- Rokudo Mukuro (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)


“Sometimes memories tie up the heart. But the heart, by meeting new people, can be set free. And now, it can fly... towards the future.”- Nodame Cantabile

“If I were to live out life without any mistakes that would be great. But... there is no such path. Falling, tripping, losing the way, making mistakes, little by little, walking one step at a time, this is the only way to live out life.”- Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)

“If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?”(Code Geass)

"I don't believe in god. There's no proof he exists. In a world where there isn't even proof of the future, the past exists. Even if it's tainted with misunderstandings and delusions, if the people themselves believe in it, the past is the truth to them. And, if you base your actions or your life around it, in a way, it's a type of god itself." – Orihara Izaya (Durarara)

“If abandoning a friend is what it means to be wise then I’d rather be a fool.”- Uzumaki Naruto

"Smile is the best way to get away of trouble... even if its fake one" -Sai (Naruto Shippuden)

"There are things that are beautiful because one cannot possess them." –Gilgamesh (Fate/Stay Night)

“There’s no such thing as perfect. In fact, the whole world is imperfect. And that’s what makes it beautiful.”- Roy Mustang (FullMetal Alchemist)

“You said that everything eventually decays and fades away...but these feelings...will never cease to exist. People become stronger because they have memories they can't forget.” –Tsunade (Naruto)

"Friends aren't given. You're supposed to make them." –Fujibayashi Kyou (Clannad)

“Human kind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange.”- FullMetal Alchemist

"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."- Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)

“The world cannot be changed with pretty words alone.”- Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)

“In order to fulfill your dream, the first step is to keep wishing for it. But it only marks the beginning. The next step is to take on that path to fulfill your dream.” – (ef - A Tale of Memories)

"Crying is the nosebleed of the heart. If you trip while running down a hallway, you'll get a nosebleed. If you trip in life, you'll cry." - Kushieda Minori (Toradora!)

Edina Monsoon Quotes #2

All my friends are gay. All my friends are gay.

Chicani, Edina, green, thank you.

Saffy, look at Mummie, look at me. Do I need surgery?

Darling, if you really want to lose some weight, I have some MARVELOUS pills upstairs. You just pee it out overnight.

Yes, but I pay you to interpret my dreams so why can't you at least find a hidden depth? I'm not willing to believe I'm simply THAT obvious. Why, if you are bloody psychic psychologist, how come I'm always having to call YOU, hmm?

With any luck we'd get Roman Polanski interested in you.

I'm chanting as we speak, bye bye darling.

I know the kind of little play you will have written. It'll make Mommie Dearest look like Winnie The Bloody Pooh!

Lights... Models... Guest list... Just do your best darling.

Should we finish off the beluga or should we have some smoked salmon nibbly things?

I want a list of every PR company, every record company in the country. I want a copy of Who's Who and the latest edition of Hello! magazine. Let's get celebritied-up!

Darling, stop me drinking today because Saffy's threatened to leave home again.

Flour. Yes. All this is mine, is it? I mean, I am now paying for old people to eat cake.

Where's my thing? You know, my thing... my vibrating thing...

Darling, even Amanda de Cadenet would remember the word "accessories".

Will you shut up? Will you just shut up? I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to my friend. Is that alright? God, it's like living with a chronically-depressed budgerigar, living with you. Shut up!

Oh! Break it to me like that, why don't you? Yes... I suppose it's not your fault, really, is it? Just your old mother clutching at straws. Trying to find one exotic, interesting feature about you, but there we are.

A few hormones, talking there, haven't we, sweetie? Huh?

Sweetie, make mama a cup'a'coffee. You're so clever and you know where everything is, don't you? I think it's marvelous that you know where things are. I think you're marvelous.

Edina Monsoon Quotes #1

You only work in a shop, you know. You can drop the attitude.

Ooo, she's so cold, sweetie! I'll just bet she has her period in cubes.

What you two don't seem to realize is that inside of me, inside of me, there is a thin person just screaming to get out.

I shall drink water... It's a mixer, Pats. We have it with whiskey...

Yes, Yes!... Why, oh why, do we pay taxes, hmmm? I mean, just to have bloody parking restrictions- and BUGGERY-UGLY traffic wardens, and BOLLOCKY-pedestrian-BLOODY-crossings?... and those BASTARD railings outside shops windows, making it so difficult so you can't even get in them! I mean, I know they're there to stop stupid people running into the street and killing themselves! But we're not all stupid! We don't all need nurse-maiding. I mean, why not just have a Stupidity Tax? Just tax the stupid people!

You have no morals, darling.

I want total sensory deprivation and back-up drugs!

I have been a paradise, but I've never been a me.

It makes a difference, darling, a mixed-race baby is the finest accessory a person in my position could ever have, sweetheart! Oh, my God, it's the must-have of the season! It's the CHANEL of babies!

I've got my hands in loads of pies darling. Darling! Sweetie! EDDIE PIE HANDS!

Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie!

Family? Family? God, I hope you're not inviting that bloody, bollocky, selfish, two-faced, chicken, bastard, pig-dog man are you?

I want total sensory deprivation and back-up drugs!

Surgery, sweetie. Lipo, on the hands and stomach, bum lift, tit lift, lose a rib and see what happens with my lips!

Sweetie, you wouldn't say that if you knew how much we owe to my chanting, darling. Lots of things in this house, this HOUSE wouldn't be here, darling. I chanted for this gorgeous house. Chanted to be successful and believe in myself...... Please, let me make some more money so I can buy Saffron some more books and a car... ting, ting, ting...

I'd just once like to take my clothes off and not be marked by them...

Get on to Princess Anne's people and tell them that everybody there will be mentally ill. Tell her we'll sponsor her to wear a designer dress. And make sure she realizes that if she doesn't, those children won't get anything.

Had two husbands, one was too short one was gay. Still sweetie if you want to know how to peck a dwarf on the cheek as he's walking out of the house to the disco in your dress , then I'm your girl.

La Croix sweetie, La Croix.

Do you think we ought to get some hormone replacement packs in for emergencies, darling? One day you could come home, sweeties, and find me just a toothless old wad of gum on the floor.

Frases de Nightwish

Fly to a dream Far across the sea

Once I had a dream And this is it

Would you do it with me Heal the scars and change the stars

Ever felt away without me My love, it lies so deep Ever dream of me

Sweet little words made for silence Not talk

Man to man, soldier to soldier, dust to dust

Swansong for the Wish of Night God it hurts, give a name to the pain

Ever felt away with me Just once that all I need Entwined in finding you one day

Day possesses no key here Where moon sheds the cold twilight This moment is eternity

Above the universe Beneath the Great Eye I shall desire you forevermore

A nocturnal concerto Candlelight whispers me where to go

Who are you? Man condemned to shine a salvation Throughout the centuries

How blind can you be, don't you see... ...that the gambler lost all he does not have...

A Loner longing for The cadence of her last breath

You believe but what you see You receive but what you give

How blind can you be, don't you see You chose the long road but we'll be waiting

"I need to die to feel alive"

Jacob's ghost for the girl in white Blindfold for the blind Dead siblings walking the dying earth

Finally the hills are without eyes They are tired of painting a dead man's face red With their own blood

The one in the Big Blue is what the world stole from me This night will bring him back to me

Heartbreak Quotes :( #5

“Tragedies happen. What are you going to do? Give up? Quit? No. I realized now that when your heart breaks you got to fight like hell to make sure you’re still alive because you are. And that pain you feel? That’s life. The confusion and the fear? That’s there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better and that something is worth fighting for.” -Nathan Scott.

To offer a girl friendship when love is in her heart is like giving a loaf of bread to someone when their dying of thirst.

Two of the shortest words in the English language are “YES” and “NO” and yet they are often the ones that require the most thought before they are said. Some thoughts are better left unsaid, some feeling are better left kept to yourself. But love has its way of expressing itself despite the silence

“You deserve someone better.” One of the most bullshit reasons I’ve ever heard. Why? Coz he could have bin better if he tried to. And it could have been me, if he wanted to.

Its weird how you go from being strangers. To being friends. To being more than friends. To being practically strangers again. So fast.

I had a dream last night. You were hanging on the edge of a cliff. I reached out my hands to you. But someone down there offered to catch you. You know why my tears fell? I saw you let go.

Love? It’s complicated, but I’ll tell you this. The minute you’re willing to make yourself miserable to make someone else happy, that’s love right there.

How can I keep you, if somebody owns you? How can I go on your way, if somebody’s blocking my way? How can I get you, if somebody’s holding you? How can you be my special someone if there’s someone special to you?

People can hide all things except three. One, that they are drunk. Two, that they are in love. And last, that they have fallen out of love.

Deep Vein Thrombosis: a disorder caused by being in a fixed position for a long time. One way of telling us how important moving on is.

I thought a broken heart was the worst feeling possible, but I was wrong. Regrets are sitting right before it.

It is a lie to say you have let go of the past. Nobody let go of memories. Each tear is an unforgettable memory. Each smile is an undeniable mark. Each heartbeat is an unerasable soar because really, there is no such thing as forgetting only accepting and changing.

If you intend to love someone, be sure to accept the challenge called changes.

“Sometimes, it is better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.” - Hercules

Missing someone is not about how long it has been since you have seen or talked with them, it is about every moment your doing something and your wishing they were right there with you.

He used to be so sweet and everything seemed so nice when we’re together. But suddenly everything changed. Now, do I miss him? No. I miss who I thought he was.

He said, “I will love you forever.” I just smiled and said, “Just warn me when forever starts to end.”

I hate you for ignoring my existence, for not loving me the way I wish you would but most of all I hate you for making me say I HATE YOU when in reality, I’m just loving you more.

What will you do when faced with two choices? Simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you but because in that brief moment that the coin is in the air, you’ll suddenly know what you’re hoping for.

Relationships are all about falling. Falling in love and falling apart.

Heartbreak Quotes :( #4

Do you know how painful it is to give up on someone coz you don’t have any choice but to do so? It’s like falling off on the 11th floor of a building and sadly, you end up alive.

How will you know that your love has faded? It is when you don’t get hurt anymore.

Peyton once said, “There’s nothing wrong with believing in fairytales. Because in the end, we all live happily ever after.” However, she forgot one important detail. Not everyone we fall in love with means it’s a ‘happily ever after’ story. Most of the time, its just once upon a time.

A box full of memories that make you cry: Do you burn them to forget your pain? Or keep them to remember how great it all was?

Did you ever notice that there is always that particular line in that certain song that always stands out in that certain way and it reminds you of that one person?

It is so hard to be stranded by a love story especially when you are currently feeling the near end but the story isn’t ending. Much confusing is today he loves you. Tomorrow, he doesn’t care. Tonight, you are special. The next day you are nothing.

I have this theory that the more important and intimate the emotion, the fewer words are required to express it. For instance, in dating: - Will you go out with me? (6 words) - I think I care for you. (5 words) - You matter to me. (4 words) - I love you! (3 words) - Marry me. (2 words) So what’s left? What’s the most important and intimate word you can ever say to somebody? It is GOODBYE.

When you have been very much in love with someone, you can’t really be friends after it falls apart because it hurts to see each other and recall that you both did your best but still, it didn’t last.

It is funny how I never even shared my smile to the guy who was willing to carve the whole world just for me, yet I fell for someone who doesn't even bother to reach for the falling star.

Don’t force yourself to forget the person you love. Never use other people just to forget him because you don’t know how it hurts for the person you are trying to love especially when he’s already falling in love with you.

Why do most people seem to fall for their friend at one point or another? It’s because we see a great person. Someone who knows us inside and out, someone who’s been there when we were down, someone who knows what makes us laugh and what makes us cry, someone who cares. We see the perfect someone in our friend but what we don’t see is that as soon as we take that next step, they will turn into someone we never knew at all. Pathetic truth.

People aren't afraid of saying "I love you." They're afraid of hearing the response.

Falling in love is like standing in a diving board waiting to jump. Whether you live or die depends upon 1 fact. Is there water in the pool or is your mind just telling you there is water because your eyes are closed?

Just when I think I’m getting my footing back. When I think I can walk away, he says something to pull me back in. into this world where he is the sunrise. The sunset. A world he doesn’t know but he is the center of. A world that I would forget if I only knew how.

He was the first guy I was nervous to call. He was the first guy I ever went on a date with. The first guy I truly held hands with. The first guy I would stay on the phone for hours. He was my first true boyfriend. He was my first, second & third kisses. He was my first everything. And let's face it, he still is.

There's always gonna be that one person that no matter how long it has been or how badly that person have treated you, if that person says 'I love you', you'll always say it back.

What makes us a fool? When it hurts seeing the one you love with somebody but still, you keep on staring.

Love leaves a memory that no can steal. But sometime, it leaves a heartache that no one can heal.

Why do tears came rushing when you are hurting so much? It is because it’s the only way how your eyes speak when your mouth can’t explain how things made your heart broken.

Why do we MISS a person? It is either because we realize that we never treasured the moments when they were always there and it left us wishing we could turn back time again or we were too happy with them, we enjoyed every single moment that we became so used to the idea of having them around.

Heartbreak Quotes :( #3

Should you be bitter because he/she already found someone new? Or because you still haven’t found someone else?

If people can’t let go of you. It doesn’t mean that they love you. Sometimes, they can't let go of you because they know you are always there when they need you.

THEORY You can’t hurt someone who feel nothing special for you. VICE VERSA You can’t be hurt by anyone unless that person is somewhat special for you.

I tried. - The sweetest thing you could ever say for a failed relationship. Maybe the shortest but it compliments everything.

How would you measure someone’s sadness? It is not on the amount of tears you have shed but on many times you fake a smile.

I always fall for that one guy who is so out of reach but close enough to make it hurt.

Maybe, just maybe if he knows I love him he’ll love me back. But aren’t my actions enough to make him feel the things I cannot say or he just really don’t care?

The leaves of the trees just keep falling. Lesson? It’s not always for us to keep someone forever. Many of the times we have to let them go. Yet, we are still standing.

Stupidity: Giving up a fight knowing you had a chance to win. Love: Fighting though you knew from the very start that you will never win. Or is it the other way around?

The saddest thing that can happen is when one falls in love while the other wants nothing more than friendship. Love can sometimes be magic but sometimes, magic can be an illusion.

A rule that should exist: If a girl likes a guy, he should like her back.

Sometimes it boggles my mind why people fall in love. Then say goodbye. Why can't they be forever when at first they can never seem to part?

If you’re in love but afraid to tell the person for some reason just think one moment of embarrassment or a lifetime of regret?

Its funny to pretend unhurt when I’m bleeding. To pretend to be strong when I’m weak. To say go away when I mean please stay. And to say I’m over it when I mean was, “I want you back.”

There’s no such thing as not meant to be. For when two persons fall in love they are meant. But sometimes it’s meant, only for a moment.

Tell me that you've had trouble sleeping; that you toss and turn from side to side; that it's my face you've been seeing in your dreams at night. Tell me that you wake up crying, and you're not exactly sure why. Tell me that something is missing in your life. Tell me that it's just me.

Technically, I’m single. Emotionally, I’m taken because in my heart, I'll always be his girl even if he doesn't know at all.

“The most interesting thing about the heart transplant is that one completely loses his own heart and be replaced with someone else’s heart yet still has the feelings for the same person he loves. This proves that love works in the minds of people and not in their hearts. You will learn how to forget only if you try doing so.” - Dr. Burke, Grey’s Anatomy

Falling in love is like smoking. You think its nothing then you can’t live without it. You can’t stop even though you know it’s wrong. You say you’re going to stop but then again, you never did.

Perhaps the saddest but most lovable thing that could happen to you is when you’re talking to your ex a day before his wedding and he tells you, “This could have been us.”

Heartbreak Quotes :( #2

I can say, “I’m over him” a million times and more. I can stand to laugh as if there’s no tomorrow. I can perfectly curse his name. But once he’s around, I don’t know and I can’t explain. Why my heart beats so fast that I could hardly gasp, making me want to fall into his arms once again. After everything that he put me through. He still owns the biggest part of me and the sad part is that, I can do nothing about it.

I never lose hope in the person I chose to love though that person is the reason my heart aches, who cares? He’s the same reason why my heart beats anyway.

It's easy to love someone who simply smiles, talks and stares at you. The only hard thing about that is how to make that person fall for you.

A cigarette is like falling in love. When one is within reach, it gives you million reasons to smoke, forgetting the one reason why you shouldn’t.

I don’t know why I wont ever learn that my Romeo isn’t ready to die for me, that my Prince Charming isn’t interested to know who owns the half of my pair of glass shoes, that my Jack would just leave me dying with the sunken ship, that my Peter Pan is not with me forever and that he, the one I love, is just someone whom I am stupidly in love with, with the dream that one day he will realize that there is a happily ever after that can be found in me.

Being hurt is something you can’t stop from happening but being miserable is always your choice.

I wish I was a child forever or a mentally retarded. Somehow an abnormal, or much better be numb, so that I won’t fall in love and I can’t feel this fuckin pain in my heart.

Love is not on what is seen outside or how long has he known you. Coz love is all about what’s inside. And how he/she sacrifices to see you smile.

I can say I’m fine when you don’t see me cry. I can say I could move on when I can’t even try. I can say I’m happy when I just want to die. But I can’t say “I still love you” after love said “goodbye.”

Avoiding something doesn’t always mean that you hate it. It could also mean that you want it but you just know that it is too complicated.

One night, they argued. The next day, the guy gave flowers and chocolates. They sat and looked at the stars. GF: “is this your way of saying sorry?” BF: “no, this is my way of saying goodbye.”

A heart break isn’t always loud as a bomb exploding. Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling. And the most painful thing is that no one really hears it except you.

Don’t you hate it when you cry over the things you can’t have? When you were a little girl, it was that a special toy. Now? It is that special boy.

We don’t talk anymore and I can’t understand why. It is like you gave me wings and then told me it’s illegal to fly.

Is it really that hard to let go of someone? Or is it just really hard because you still hope there's a chance?

I don’t know what I feel, I know I should be sad but I’m not. I know I must be crying right now but I can’t. I’m not sad. I’m not happy. I’m not angry and I’m not okay. Is this what they call emptiness?

The only truly painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.

I'm ninety-nine percent sure that the person I love doesn't love me back. But just one percent of his love is enough for me to hold on.

I hate insomnia not because it doesn’t put me into sleep but puts me into the state of reminiscing memories which I know I can’t bring back.

You’re dreaming if you love a guy who’s out of reach. You’re fooling if you love a guy whose love is not yours. But you’re hurting if you love a guy who’s in your reach but then seeing him loving someone that’s not you.

Heartbreak Quotes :( #1

No one can ever promise you they will never hurt you. Because at one time or another it will happen. The real promise is if the time you spent together will be worth the pain in the end.

I’ve always been hurt by the one I love. Always been loved by the person I don’t. The hard thing here is even though I tried to choose the one who loves me; still my heart belongs to the person who hurts me.

Why does the one we love so much doesn’t know how much we love them? They take us for granted? Hurts us so much? Maybe because they put in mind that whatever they do, they know we can’t let them go.

Maybe cupid should shoot himself with his own damn arrow. Just so he can see how much love hurts.

You can’t forget a person you love so much no matter how much you try to do it. It is impossible unless you learn to love somebody else.

Its really hard to go on living while loving someone secretly. It hurts to see the one you love happy with someone else. But the most painful thing about hidden love? It never fades away.

Loving someone desperately is like holding a broken piece of glass. Not wanting to give up but your hands feel the pain. And when you finally let go, you’re free from pain but your hands are empty and bleeding.

I don't blame you for breaking my heart. You never wanted it in the first place.

Its sad when you fall for someone and finally decided to stop because of the pain. You tell everyone that you’ve let go and moved on but deep inside you know you haven’t. You never did. Maybe, you never will.

I guess you have no idea how much you hurt me. No idea how much wounds you’ve caused me. No idea how you took me for granted. And no idea how much pain I felt when you didn’t catch me when I fell in love with you.

Do you know what is wrong with sorry? It gives people the wrong idea that any mistake can be solved by a single word.

The hardest one to get over with is the one you never had.

Sometimes I wish he'd be just like my dad always scared to lose me even though he knows I belong to him right from the start.

At night, when I fall fast asleep, I dream of a dream that I can’t keep. Because no matter how much I wish it was true, destiny will not let me be with you.

Sometimes, broken love is like this: “I will still be thinking of you just the same way. I will still be feeling those butterflies in my stomach whenever you are around. I will still look at you with such wonder of how someone so near to perfection came my way. I will still care for you just the same way. I will still pray for you every night before I sleep. But the only difference is you will never ever know.”

At night, when I fall fast asleep, I dream of a dream that I can’t keep. Because no matter how much I wish it was true, destiny will not let me be with you.

He keeps hurting you over & over again yet, you keep going back He's just that one boy you can't seem to let go of he's the one who stole your heart & you're not ready to get it back yet.

I will never hate someone for not loving me. I will never hate seeing him with the person he loves because I know he is happy. But I could I hate it when he is making me fall even more when I am trying to let go.

You know what hurts most? It is when you wake receiving so many text messages yet you can’t find the name of the person you want to remember you.

A guy is not worth fighting for if he can’t even come to the realization that you are fighting for him.

Goldfrapp's Quotes #4

I'm wired to the world That's how I know everything I'm superbrain That's how they made me (Utopia)

It's a strange day No colours or shapes No sound in my head I forget who I am (Utopia)

When I'm with you There's no reason There's no sense I'm not supposed To feel I forget who I am I forget (Utopia)

I'm falling in a cloud... (Deer Stop)

Shoot a thousand stars over me! (Deer Stop)

There's just the sound Of you and me... (Pilots)

There's just the sound Of you and me... (Pilots)

We're pilots watching stars The world pre-occupied We're pilots watching stars Who do we think we are?

If I lived Forever, you just wouldn't be So beautiful As the sun When it shines All over the world! (Pilots)

They went searching for your body, They went looking but there's nobody Who smells like you Who looks like you. You're not human....too! (Human)

When you laugh I'm inside,Your mouth! (Paper Bag)

No time to fuck, But you like the rush! (Paper Bag)

Frankenstein would want your mind, Your lovely head! (Lovely Head)

I fool myself, To sleep and dream, Nobody is here, No-one but me!